

The Review, together with the students, unyieldingly stands for mass promotion. We express our utmost support to end the semester and pass all the students to the next academic level.

The student publication understands the severity of this pandemic. Everyone is affected financially, physically, and mentally. Mass Promotion is justifiable and is the most humane approach that a school can do for its students.

In-case of mass promotion, alternatives such as drafting a plan for adjustments and changes in the syllabi and curriculum in the next academic year for the students to catch up missed lessons especially in their pre-requisite subjects should be done.

According to the announcement posted by the official page of Northwestern University, President Ferdinand S. Nicolas expressed that they cannot implement mass promotion. Instead, every student should adjust to the “new normal” which engages students to do more activities online.

We believe that online classes and online activities are not applicable to every Northwesternian. We are in the midst of crisis and our school should be considerate enough to understand that not all students belong to the upper class. The Review believes that not everybody can access the internet and this is due to socioeconomic status, weak internet connection, lack of resources and electronic devices. These barriers block the chance of students to participate online.

Additionally, there are students who rely on the free access of wireless fidelity (WiFi) and libraries so that they can accomplish their activities, projects, and researches. The limited access in remote areas and availability of resources during this time is a clear proof that online activities is not for all students.

We know that the validity and quality of every students’ education might be compromised if mass promotion will be implemented but the exclusivity of the alternative online activities should be addressed first. We believe that the administration should look into a better plan that can accommodate all the students’ concerns. We believe that the administration is with us in promoting EDUCATION FOR ALL.

In case that our clamor for mass promotion will not be heard, utmost consideration should be implemented in all online alternatives. All exams and quizzes should only be done if all the students are present. If they experience technical difficulties, considerations should be done. Full consideration should be applied to all laboratory and skill-based subjects. Instructors should exercise leniency in giving activities to the students.

We also stand for the students who are vying for honors and those who are scholarship grantees. The university should make a thoughtful decision and consideration for them to be given a passing grade that will not obstruct them from achieving their goals.

We also believe that the administration should issue a statement regarding the financial obligations of the students. The University should waive parts of the miscellaneous fee that was not used. Payment extensions should be made and refunds should be clarified.

Now that CHED left the decision to the Higher Education Institutions, we respectfully ask the administration to hear the appeal of the students and no one will be left behind.

 As the official student publication of Northwestern University, we will continue to amplify our voices for the students’ rights and welfare.

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