
Is this another nightmare or another year of enduring a tremendous threat of suffering? Would it be an extra year of living like a prison? Why could not we put the reign of COVID-19 to an end? Aren’t we finished

Anxious to be vaccinated because of those tales circulating that the vaccine causes death? Or maybe because of the side effect that occurs throughout when we got vaccinated? Why do we need to get vaccinated? Vaccines used to be our booster

Overview: The Corona Virus Disease slaughtered a million lives across the globe. A billion dreams were filched away in just a glimpse. Remember that there were reported cases of a new variant in the beginning months of this year, but we

Imagine if we can't have the freedom that we want. We can't enjoy the things we supposed to enjoy. Everything falls apart; everything was a nightmare. In the long months of quarantine, we have encountered lots of challenges. We faced not

Gloomy weather it is, clouds have never been this dark, but none would be gloomier than the subtle feelings embracing me right now. As I gaze through my window pane, a tree caught my attention. At first, I was just

“All in all, the start of 2020 allowed people to view life at the highest resolution. It made people value the little things in life. It showed everyone the importance of the workforce that receives minimum wage.  It showed people

“They protect us while they couldn’t even protect themselves. Our frontliners deserve a million salute.” Early this year, a pandemic disease rose up and horrified people. A virus that scared a lot of people not only in China but also other