
To mark the first day of NWUnite Studentsโ€™ Day of Northwestern University, the Supreme Student Council (SSC) spearheaded a series of activities for the students of the institution on April 14, 2023, at NWU grounds. Participants from different colleges joined

The College of Teacher Education (CTE) and College of Maritime Education (COME) unleashed teamwork, dedication, and commitment as they celebrate Archons Day on April 14, 2023, at NWU grounds. Marine and Education students, faculty members, and staff participated the said

The Department of Nursing of the College of Allied Health and Sciences (CAHS) officiated the annual capping, pinning, and candle lighting ceremony for the Level II BS Nursing (BSN), Class Batch of 2025, held at the Aquino Multi-purpose Center on

The Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) Department recognized its newly- registered medical technologists through a motorcade around the city and a testimonial at the New Media Hall, Ben A. Nicolas Building on April 3, 2023. Nikole T. Arquero, Jayzel T. Batangan, Carlito

The College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology revitalized CEAT Week 2023 with the theme, โ€œCEAT Comeback: Leading the Future Harbouring Dreams, Nurturing Minds and Breaking Boundaries,โ€ on March 30- April 1, 2023. During the first day of the event, a

The College of Maritime Education (COME) sailed their annual event as they unveiled the week-long celebration highlighting the theme, โ€œValuing of unity, hard workโ€”underscores the development of the College of Maritime Education in its best timeโ€, on March 27-31, 2023

The College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology (CEAT) Week marked its opening with a hybrid seminar centered on the theme: โ€œCoping with Academic Pressuresโ€, held at the NWU International House and CEAT AVR on March 30, 2023. The said event

In just under a decade, humanity has made more progress with Artificial Intelligence than in the last 100 years. In just such a span of time, we have witnessed astonishing progress that surpasses anything seen in the last century. It

Must we set sail? Throughout the course that drag us places, our fate simply feels like a ticking time bomb that must be met with a significant purpose. Where our written tales become altered by different hues of surrounding factors. There

Sutherland Philippines, a global business process and technology management services provider, conducted a focus group discussion with selected student leaders among the different student organizations of Northwestern University in the Exhibit Room on March 8, 2022. The discussion was attended by